PostgreSQL 源码解读(48)- 查询语句#33(query_planner函数#9)
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//...      /*      * Construct the lateral reference sets now that we have finalized      * PlaceHolderVar eval levels.      */     create_lateral_join_info(root);//创建Lateral连接信息      /*      * Match foreign keys to equivalence classes and join quals.  This must be      * done after finalizing equivalence classes, and it's useful to wait till      * after join removal so that we can skip processing foreign keys      * involving removed relations.      */     match_foreign_keys_to_quals(root);//匹配外键信息      /*      * Look for join OR clauses that we can extract single-relation      * restriction OR clauses from.      */     extract_restriction_or_clauses(root);//在OR语句中抽取约束条件      /*      * We should now have size estimates for every actual table involved in      * the query, and we also know which if any have been deleted from the      * query by join removal; so we can compute total_table_pages.      *      * Note that appendrels are not double-counted here, even though we don't      * bother to distinguish RelOptInfos for appendrel parents, because the      * parents will still have size zero.      *      * XXX if a table is self-joined, we will count it once per appearance,      * which perhaps is the wrong thing ... but that's not completely clear,      * and detecting self-joins here is difficult, so ignore it for now.      */     total_pages = 0;     for (rti = 1; rti < root->simple_rel_array_size; rti++)//计算总pages     {         RelOptInfo *brel = root->simple_rel_array[rti];          if (brel == NULL)             continue;          Assert(brel->relid == rti); /* sanity check on array */          if (IS_SIMPLE_REL(brel))             total_pages += (double) brel->pages;     }     root->total_table_pages = total_pages;//赋值     //...




typedef struct RelOptInfo {     NodeTag     type;//节点标识      RelOptKind  reloptkind;//RelOpt类型      //...      /* parameterization information needed for both base rels and join rels */     /* (see also lateral_vars and lateral_referencers) */     Relids      direct_lateral_relids;  /*使用lateral语法,需依赖的Relids rels directly laterally referenced */     Relids      lateral_relids; /* minimum parameterization of rel */      //...     List       *lateral_vars;   /* 关系依赖的Vars/PHVs LATERAL Vars and PHVs referenced by rel */     Relids      lateral_referencers;    /*依赖该关系的Relids rels that reference me laterally */     //... } RelOptInfo;




testdb=# select a.*,b.grbh,b.je testdb-# from t_dwxx a,(select t1.dwbh,t1.grbh,t2.je from t_grxx t1 inner join t_jfxx t2 on t1.dwbh = a.dwbh and t1.grbh = t2.grbh) btestdb-# where a.dwbh = '1001'testdb-# order by b.dwbh;ERROR:  invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "a"LINE 2: ... from t_grxx t1 inner join t_jfxx t2 on t1.dwbh = a.dwbh and...                                                             ^HINT:  There is an entry for table "a", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.


testdb=# select a.*,b.grbh,b.je testdb-# from t_dwxx a,lateral (select t1.dwbh,t1.grbh,t2.je from t_grxx t1 inner join t_jfxx t2 on t1.dwbh = a.dwbh and t1.grbh = t2.grbh) btestdb-# where a.dwbh = '1001'testdb-# order by b.dwbh;   dwmc    | dwbh |        dwdz        | grbh |  je   -----------+------+--------------------+------+------- X有限公司 | 1001 | 广东省广州市荔湾区 | 901  | 401.3 X有限公司 | 1001 | 广东省广州市荔湾区 | 901  | 401.3 X有限公司 | 1001 | 广东省广州市荔湾区 | 901  | 401.3

如函数注释所描述的,create_lateral_join_info函数的作用是填充RelOptInfo中的相关四个变量,"Fill in the per-base-relation direct_lateral_relids, lateral_relids和and lateral_referencers sets"


/*  * create_lateral_join_info  *    Fill in the per-base-relation direct_lateral_relids, lateral_relids  *    and lateral_referencers sets.  *  * This has to run after deconstruct_jointree, because we need to know the  * final ph_eval_at values for PlaceHolderVars.  */ void create_lateral_join_info(PlannerInfo *root) {     bool        found_laterals = false;     Index       rti;     ListCell   *lc;      /* We need do nothing if the query contains no LATERAL RTEs */     if (!root->hasLateralRTEs)//是否存在LateralRTE         return;      /*      * Examine all baserels (the rel array has been set up by now).      */     for (rti = 1; rti < root->simple_rel_array_size; rti++)//遍历     {         RelOptInfo *brel = root->simple_rel_array[rti];         Relids      lateral_relids;          /* there may be empty slots corresponding to non-baserel RTEs */         if (brel == NULL)             continue;          Assert(brel->relid == rti); /* sanity check on array */          /* ignore RTEs that are "other rels" */         if (brel->reloptkind != RELOPT_BASEREL)             continue;          lateral_relids = NULL;          /* consider each laterally-referenced Var or PHV */         foreach(lc, brel->lateral_vars)         {             Node       *node = (Node *) lfirst(lc);              if (IsA(node, Var))             {                 Var        *var = (Var *) node;                  found_laterals = true;                 lateral_relids = bms_add_member(lateral_relids,                                                 var->varno);             }             else if (IsA(node, PlaceHolderVar))             {                 PlaceHolderVar *phv = (PlaceHolderVar *) node;                 PlaceHolderInfo *phinfo = find_placeholder_info(root, phv,                                                                 false);                  found_laterals = true;                 lateral_relids = bms_add_members(lateral_relids,                                                  phinfo->ph_eval_at);             }             else                 Assert(false);         }          /* We now have all the simple lateral refs from this rel */         brel->direct_lateral_relids = lateral_relids;         brel->lateral_relids = bms_copy(lateral_relids);     }      /*      * Now check for lateral references within PlaceHolderVars, and mark their      * eval_at rels as having lateral references to the source rels.      *      * For a PHV that is due to be evaluated at a baserel, mark its source(s)      * as direct lateral dependencies of the baserel (adding onto the ones      * recorded above).  If it's due to be evaluated at a join, mark its      * source(s) as indirect lateral dependencies of each baserel in the join,      * ie put them into lateral_relids but not direct_lateral_relids.  This is      * appropriate because we can't put any such baserel on the outside of a      * join to one of the PHV's lateral dependencies, but on the other hand we      * also can't yet join it directly to the dependency.      */     foreach(lc, root->placeholder_list)     {         PlaceHolderInfo *phinfo = (PlaceHolderInfo *) lfirst(lc);         Relids      eval_at = phinfo->ph_eval_at;         int         varno;          if (phinfo->ph_lateral == NULL)             continue;           /* PHV is uninteresting if no lateral refs */          found_laterals = true;          if (bms_get_singleton_member(eval_at, &varno))         {             /* Evaluation site is a baserel */             RelOptInfo *brel = find_base_rel(root, varno);              brel->direct_lateral_relids =                 bms_add_members(brel->direct_lateral_relids,                                 phinfo->ph_lateral);             brel->lateral_relids =                 bms_add_members(brel->lateral_relids,                                 phinfo->ph_lateral);         }         else         {             /* Evaluation site is a join */             varno = -1;             while ((varno = bms_next_member(eval_at, varno)) >= 0)             {                 RelOptInfo *brel = find_base_rel(root, varno);                  brel->lateral_relids = bms_add_members(brel->lateral_relids,                                                        phinfo->ph_lateral);             }         }     }      /*      * If we found no actual lateral references, we're done; but reset the      * hasLateralRTEs flag to avoid useless work later.      */     if (!found_laterals)     {         root->hasLateralRTEs = false;         return;     }      /*      * Calculate the transitive closure of the lateral_relids sets, so that      * they describe both direct and indirect lateral references.  If relation      * X references Y laterally, and Y references Z laterally, then we will      * have to scan X on the inside of a nestloop with Z, so for all intents      * and purposes X is laterally dependent on Z too.      *      * This code is essentially Warshall's algorithm for transitive closure.      * The outer loop considers each baserel, and propagates its lateral      * dependencies to those baserels that have a lateral dependency on it.      */     for (rti = 1; rti < root->simple_rel_array_size; rti++)     {         RelOptInfo *brel = root->simple_rel_array[rti];         Relids      outer_lateral_relids;         Index       rti2;          if (brel == NULL || brel->reloptkind != RELOPT_BASEREL)             continue;          /* need not consider baserel further if it has no lateral refs */         outer_lateral_relids = brel->lateral_relids;         if (outer_lateral_relids == NULL)             continue;          /* else scan all baserels */         for (rti2 = 1; rti2 < root->simple_rel_array_size; rti2++)         {             RelOptInfo *brel2 = root->simple_rel_array[rti2];              if (brel2 == NULL || brel2->reloptkind != RELOPT_BASEREL)                 continue;              /* if brel2 has lateral ref to brel, propagate brel's refs */             if (bms_is_member(rti, brel2->lateral_relids))                 brel2->lateral_relids = bms_add_members(brel2->lateral_relids,                                                         outer_lateral_relids);         }     }      /*      * Now that we've identified all lateral references, mark each baserel      * with the set of relids of rels that reference it laterally (possibly      * indirectly) --- that is, the inverse mapping of lateral_relids.      */     for (rti = 1; rti < root->simple_rel_array_size; rti++)     {         RelOptInfo *brel = root->simple_rel_array[rti];         Relids      lateral_relids;         int         rti2;          if (brel == NULL || brel->reloptkind != RELOPT_BASEREL)             continue;          /* Nothing to do at rels with no lateral refs */         lateral_relids = brel->lateral_relids;         if (lateral_relids == NULL)             continue;          /*          * We should not have broken the invariant that lateral_relids is          * exactly NULL if empty.          */         Assert(!bms_is_empty(lateral_relids));          /* Also, no rel should have a lateral dependency on itself */         Assert(!bms_is_member(rti, lateral_relids));          /* Mark this rel's referencees */         rti2 = -1;         while ((rti2 = bms_next_member(lateral_relids, rti2)) >= 0)         {             RelOptInfo *brel2 = root->simple_rel_array[rti2];              Assert(brel2 != NULL && brel2->reloptkind == RELOPT_BASEREL);             brel2->lateral_referencers =                 bms_add_member(brel2->lateral_referencers, rti);         }     }      /*      * Lastly, propagate lateral_relids and lateral_referencers from appendrel      * parent rels to their child rels.  We intentionally give each child rel      * the same minimum parameterization, even though it's quite possible that      * some don't reference all the lateral rels.  This is because any append      * path for the parent will have to have the same parameterization for      * every child anyway, and there's no value in forcing extra      * reparameterize_path() calls.  Similarly, a lateral reference to the      * parent prevents use of otherwise-movable join rels for each child.      */     for (rti = 1; rti < root->simple_rel_array_size; rti++)     {         RelOptInfo *brel = root->simple_rel_array[rti];         RangeTblEntry *brte = root->simple_rte_array[rti];          /*          * Skip empty slots. Also skip non-simple relations i.e. dead          * relations.          */         if (brel == NULL || !IS_SIMPLE_REL(brel))             continue;          /*          * In the case of table inheritance, the parent RTE is directly linked          * to every child table via an AppendRelInfo.  In the case of table          * partitioning, the inheritance hierarchy is expanded one level at a          * time rather than flattened.  Therefore, an other member rel that is          * a partitioned table may have children of its own, and must          * therefore be marked with the appropriate lateral info so that those          * children eventually get marked also.          */         Assert(brte);         if (brel->reloptkind == RELOPT_OTHER_MEMBER_REL &&             (brte->rtekind != RTE_RELATION ||              brte->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE))             continue;          if (brte->inh)         {             foreach(lc, root->append_rel_list)             {                 AppendRelInfo *appinfo = (AppendRelInfo *) lfirst(lc);                 RelOptInfo *childrel;                  if (appinfo->parent_relid != rti)                     continue;                 childrel = root->simple_rel_array[appinfo->child_relid];                 Assert(childrel->reloptkind == RELOPT_OTHER_MEMBER_REL);                 Assert(childrel->direct_lateral_relids == NULL);                 childrel->direct_lateral_relids = brel->direct_lateral_relids;                 Assert(childrel->lateral_relids == NULL);                 childrel->lateral_relids = brel->lateral_relids;                 Assert(childrel->lateral_referencers == NULL);                 childrel->lateral_referencers = brel->lateral_referencers;             }         }     } }


(gdb) b planmain.c:173Breakpoint 1 at 0x76961a: file planmain.c, line 173.(gdb) cContinuing.Breakpoint 1, query_planner (root=0x1702b80, tlist=0x174a870, qp_callback=0x76e97d 
, qp_extra=0x7ffd35e059c0) at planmain.c:177...(gdb) 212 create_lateral_join_info(root);


(gdb) p *root$11 = {..., hasLateralRTEs = false, ...}

经过处理后,LATERAL已经消失(hasLateralRTEs = false),不需要进行处理.



/*  * match_foreign_keys_to_quals  *      Match foreign-key constraints to equivalence classes and join quals  *  * The idea here is to see which query join conditions match equality  * constraints of a foreign-key relationship.  For such join conditions,  * we can use the FK semantics to make selectivity estimates that are more  * reliable than estimating from statistics, especially for multiple-column  * FKs, where the normal assumption of independent conditions tends to fail.  *  * In this function we annotate the ForeignKeyOptInfos in root->fkey_list  * with info about which eclasses and join qual clauses they match, and  * discard any ForeignKeyOptInfos that are irrelevant for the query.  */ void match_foreign_keys_to_quals(PlannerInfo *root) {     List       *newlist = NIL;     ListCell   *lc;      foreach(lc, root->fkey_list)     {         ForeignKeyOptInfo *fkinfo = (ForeignKeyOptInfo *) lfirst(lc);         RelOptInfo *con_rel;         RelOptInfo *ref_rel;         int         colno;          /*          * Either relid might identify a rel that is in the query's rtable but          * isn't referenced by the jointree so won't have a RelOptInfo.  Hence          * don't use find_base_rel() here.  We can ignore such FKs.          */         if (fkinfo->con_relid >= root->simple_rel_array_size ||             fkinfo->ref_relid >= root->simple_rel_array_size)             continue;           /* just paranoia */         con_rel = root->simple_rel_array[fkinfo->con_relid];         if (con_rel == NULL)             continue;         ref_rel = root->simple_rel_array[fkinfo->ref_relid];         if (ref_rel == NULL)             continue;          /*          * Ignore FK unless both rels are baserels.  This gets rid of FKs that          * link to inheritance child rels (otherrels) and those that link to          * rels removed by join removal (dead rels).          */         if (con_rel->reloptkind != RELOPT_BASEREL ||             ref_rel->reloptkind != RELOPT_BASEREL)             continue;          /*          * Scan the columns and try to match them to eclasses and quals.          *          * Note: for simple inner joins, any match should be in an eclass.          * "Loose" quals that syntactically match an FK equality must have          * been rejected for EC status because they are outer-join quals or          * similar.  We can still consider them to match the FK if they are          * not outerjoin_delayed.          */         for (colno = 0; colno < fkinfo->nkeys; colno++)         {             AttrNumber  con_attno,                         ref_attno;             Oid         fpeqop;             ListCell   *lc2;              fkinfo->eclass[colno] = match_eclasses_to_foreign_key_col(root,                                                                       fkinfo,                                                                       colno);             /* Don't bother looking for loose quals if we got an EC match */             if (fkinfo->eclass[colno] != NULL)             {                 fkinfo->nmatched_ec++;                 continue;             }              /*              * Scan joininfo list for relevant clauses.  Either rel's joininfo              * list would do equally well; we use con_rel's.              */             con_attno = fkinfo->conkey[colno];             ref_attno = fkinfo->confkey[colno];             fpeqop = InvalidOid;    /* we'll look this up only if needed */              foreach(lc2, con_rel->joininfo)             {                 RestrictInfo *rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(lc2);                 OpExpr     *clause = (OpExpr *) rinfo->clause;                 Var        *leftvar;                 Var        *rightvar;                  /* Ignore outerjoin-delayed clauses */                 if (rinfo->outerjoin_delayed)                     continue;                  /* Only binary OpExprs are useful for consideration */                 if (!IsA(clause, OpExpr) ||                     list_length(clause->args) != 2)                     continue;                 leftvar = (Var *) get_leftop((Expr *) clause);                 rightvar = (Var *) get_rightop((Expr *) clause);                  /* Operands must be Vars, possibly with RelabelType */                 while (leftvar && IsA(leftvar, RelabelType))                     leftvar = (Var *) ((RelabelType *) leftvar)->arg;                 if (!(leftvar && IsA(leftvar, Var)))                     continue;                 while (rightvar && IsA(rightvar, RelabelType))                     rightvar = (Var *) ((RelabelType *) rightvar)->arg;                 if (!(rightvar && IsA(rightvar, Var)))                     continue;                  /* Now try to match the vars to the current foreign key cols */                 if (fkinfo->ref_relid == leftvar->varno &&                     ref_attno == leftvar->varattno &&                     fkinfo->con_relid == rightvar->varno &&                     con_attno == rightvar->varattno)                 {                     /* Vars match, but is it the right operator? */                     if (clause->opno == fkinfo->conpfeqop[colno])                     {                         fkinfo->rinfos[colno] = lappend(fkinfo->rinfos[colno],                                                         rinfo);                         fkinfo->nmatched_ri++;                     }                 }                 else if (fkinfo->ref_relid == rightvar->varno &&                          ref_attno == rightvar->varattno &&                          fkinfo->con_relid == leftvar->varno &&                          con_attno == leftvar->varattno)                 {                     /*                      * Reverse match, must check commutator operator.  Look it                      * up if we didn't already.  (In the worst case we might                      * do multiple lookups here, but that would require an FK                      * equality operator without commutator, which is                      * unlikely.)                      */                     if (!OidIsValid(fpeqop))                         fpeqop = get_commutator(fkinfo->conpfeqop[colno]);                     if (clause->opno == fpeqop)                     {                         fkinfo->rinfos[colno] = lappend(fkinfo->rinfos[colno],                                                         rinfo);                         fkinfo->nmatched_ri++;                     }                 }             }             /* If we found any matching loose quals, count col as matched */             if (fkinfo->rinfos[colno])                 fkinfo->nmatched_rcols++;         }          /*          * Currently, we drop multicolumn FKs that aren't fully matched to the          * query.  Later we might figure out how to derive some sort of          * estimate from them, in which case this test should be weakened to          * "if ((fkinfo->nmatched_ec + fkinfo->nmatched_rcols) > 0)".          */         if ((fkinfo->nmatched_ec + fkinfo->nmatched_rcols) == fkinfo->nkeys)             newlist = lappend(newlist, fkinfo);     }     /* Replace fkey_list, thereby discarding any useless entries */     root->fkey_list = newlist; }


如代码注释所描述,((a.x = 42 AND b.y = 43) OR (a.x = 44 AND b.z = 45)),可以提取条件(a.x = 42 OR a.x = 44) AND (b.y = 43 OR b.z = 45),提取这些条件的目的是为了在连接前能把这些条件下推到关系中,减少参与连接运算的元组数量.

testdb=# explain verbose select t1.*from t_dwxx t1 inner join t_grxx t2     on (t1.dwbh = '1001' and t2.grbh = '901') OR (t1.dwbh = '1002' and t2.grbh = '902');                                                                            QUERY PLAN                                                                             ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..17.23 rows=5 width=474)   Output: t1.dwmc, t1.dwbh, t1.dwdz   Join Filter: ((((t1.dwbh)::text = '1001'::text) AND ((t2.grbh)::text = '901'::text)) OR (((t1.dwbh)::text = '1002'::text) AND ((t2.grbh)::text = '902'::text)))   ->  Seq Scan on public.t_grxx t2  (cost=0.00..16.00 rows=4 width=38)         Output: t2.dwbh, t2.grbh, t2.xm, t2.xb, t2.nl         Filter: (((t2.grbh)::text = '901'::text) OR ((t2.grbh)::text = '902'::text))   ->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..1.05 rows=2 width=474)         Output: t1.dwmc, t1.dwbh, t1.dwdz         ->  Seq Scan on public.t_dwxx t1  (cost=0.00..1.04 rows=2 width=474)               Output: t1.dwmc, t1.dwbh, t1.dwdz               Filter: (((t1.dwbh)::text = '1001'::text) OR ((t1.dwbh)::text = '1002'::text))(11 rows)

可以看到,t1.dwbh = '1001' OR t1.dwbh = '1002'和t2.grbh = '901' OR t2.grbh = '902'在连接前下推到数据表扫描作为过滤条件.

/*  * extract_restriction_or_clauses  *    Examine join OR-of-AND clauses to see if any useful restriction OR  *    clauses can be extracted.  If so, add them to the query.  *  * Although a join clause must reference multiple relations overall,  * an OR of ANDs clause might contain sub-clauses that reference just one  * relation and can be used to build a restriction clause for that rel.  * For example consider  *      WHERE ((a.x = 42 AND b.y = 43) OR (a.x = 44 AND b.z = 45));  * We can transform this into  *      WHERE ((a.x = 42 AND b.y = 43) OR (a.x = 44 AND b.z = 45))  *          AND (a.x = 42 OR a.x = 44)  *          AND (b.y = 43 OR b.z = 45);  * which allows the latter clauses to be applied during the scans of a and b,  * perhaps as index qualifications, and in any case reducing the number of  * rows arriving at the join.  In essence this is a partial transformation to  * CNF (AND of ORs format).  It is not complete, however, because we do not  * unravel the original OR --- doing so would usually bloat the qualification  * expression to little gain.  *  * The added quals are partially redundant with the original OR, and therefore  * would cause the size of the joinrel to be underestimated when it is finally  * formed.  (This would be true of a full transformation to CNF as well; the  * fault is not really in the transformation, but in clauselist_selectivity's  * inability to recognize redundant conditions.)  We can compensate for this  * redundancy by changing the cached selectivity of the original OR clause,  * canceling out the (valid) reduction in the estimated sizes of the base  * relations so that the estimated joinrel size remains the same.  This is  * a MAJOR HACK: it depends on the fact that clause selectivities are cached  * and on the fact that the same RestrictInfo node will appear in every  * joininfo list that might be used when the joinrel is formed.  * And it doesn't work in cases where the size estimation is nonlinear  * (i.e., outer and IN joins).  But it beats not doing anything.  *  * We examine each base relation to see if join clauses associated with it  * contain extractable restriction conditions.  If so, add those conditions  * to the rel's baserestrictinfo and update the cached selectivities of the  * join clauses.  Note that the same join clause will be examined afresh  * from the point of view of each baserel that participates in it, so its  * cached selectivity may get updated multiple times.  */ void extract_restriction_or_clauses(PlannerInfo *root) {     Index       rti;      /* Examine each baserel for potential join OR clauses */     for (rti = 1; rti < root->simple_rel_array_size; rti++)     {         RelOptInfo *rel = root->simple_rel_array[rti];         ListCell   *lc;          /* there may be empty slots corresponding to non-baserel RTEs */         if (rel == NULL)             continue;          Assert(rel->relid == rti);  /* sanity check on array */          /* ignore RTEs that are "other rels" */         if (rel->reloptkind != RELOPT_BASEREL)             continue;          /*          * Find potentially interesting OR joinclauses.  We can use any          * joinclause that is considered safe to move to this rel by the          * parameterized-path machinery, even though what we are going to do          * with it is not exactly a parameterized path.          *          * However, it seems best to ignore clauses that have been marked          * redundant (by setting norm_selec > 1).  That likely can't happen          * for OR clauses, but let's be safe.          */         foreach(lc, rel->joininfo)         {             RestrictInfo *rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(lc);              if (restriction_is_or_clause(rinfo) &&                 join_clause_is_movable_to(rinfo, rel) &&                 rinfo->norm_selec <= 1)             {                 /* Try to extract a qual for this rel only */                 Expr       *orclause = extract_or_clause(rinfo, rel);                  /*                  * If successful, decide whether we want to use the clause,                  * and insert it into the rel's restrictinfo list if so.                  */                 if (orclause)                     consider_new_or_clause(root, rel, orclause, rinfo);             }         }     } }



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